Warlock Spell List
Spell List by Level
- 1st-level
- 2nd-level
- 3rd-level
- 4th-level
- 5th-level
- 6th-level
- 7th-level
- 8th-level
- 9th-level
Spell List by Type
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- Immolation: Target in Medium range bursts into flames, suffering 2d6 points of fire damage per round, for a maximum duration of 1 rd/level. No save against initial effect; can put out flames as a full-round action.
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- Doom:One creature suffers a -2 penalty to attacks, saves, and checks for 1 min/level, no save.
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- Eldritch Vulnerability:Target in Short range suffers 50% more damage when subject to eldritch blast damage. Will negates. Lasts 3 rounds.
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:Silence:Target in Long range emits silence in 20 ft radius; Will negates if targeted on a creature. 1 min/level
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:Bestow Curse:Target in Short range suffers -6 to one ability score, -4 to attacks, saves, and checks, or a 50% failure chance for all actions. Will negates; permanent.
:Curse of Agony:Target in Short range suffers additional damage from attacks and spells; each time it is struck, it suffers an additional 1d6 point of damage per 5 caster levels. In addition, it becomes shaken for 1 round each time it struck. No save, stacks with itself, 5 round duration.
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:Incense:Target in Medium range is filled with rage toward another target of your choice; the recipient of the wrath must be known to both of you, or plainly visible to the target. The affected creature must pass a Will save or be force to physically attack the object of his rage; he may use any weapon, feat, or maneuver he possesses, but cannot cast spells or use supernatural or spell-like abilities. Lasts 1 rd/level.
:Mind Fog:Invisible 20' cube in Medium range imposes a -4 penalty to all Will saves, and negates any bonuses to will saves vs. mental effects from racial traits or magic items. Lasts 1 min/level.
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:Curse of Weakness:Target in Short range suffers a -2 to firepower for all spells (no minimum), a -2 to all spell DCs, or a 2 level reduction in base damage. Stacks with itself. No save, 5 round duration.
:Impose Vulnerability, Greater:Target in Short range suffers 50% more damage from an energy type of your choice (fire, cold, electric, holy, shadow). Will negates. Lasts 3 rounds.
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:Deny Fortification:Target in Short range loses 50% fortification for 3 rounds, no save.
:Gray Mantle:Target in Short range cannot be healed of hit point damage; Will negates, 1 rd/level.
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:Curse of Spell Loss:Target in Short range loses two spell slots for every one he uses; if no slot of the same level or higher is available to lose, he loses one of the next highest level. No save, 5 round duration.
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:Deny Enhancement:Target in Short range cannot gain the benefit of enhancement spells of any kind for 3 rounds, no save. This affects only enhancements cast upon the target during the duration of this spell, not those already in place.
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:Curse of Sanctuary:Target gains the benefit of sanctuary, making it immune to attacks and targeted spells, but unable to hostile actions itself. However, it is not immune to your spells. Will negates, 3 round duration.